Types of Garage Doors

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  7. Types of Garage Doors

Upgrading your garage door can make a huge difference to the look and feel to the front of your home. Not only can it make it look a lot nicer, but it can also increase the value of your home. There are many different options on the market for garage doors. Choosing your roller door comes down to a few factors. Convenience, protection and the look of the roller door are the main things people consider when choosing their new garage door. But what are the types of garage doors? And how do they differ?

Sectional garage doors

Sectional garage doors are also known as panel lift garage doors. These doors are made up of horizontal panels that are hinged together. When the door is opened the panels roll back up over the tracks and place the panels safely against the ceiling. 

The sectional garage door design is said to be one of the safest and strongest garage door designs. 

Roller garage doors

We all know and love the traditional roller door design. This design has been around for a long time and is still used today. There have been upgrades and changes to the design along the way making it stronger and safer than it use to be. 

Made from colourbond, the garage roller door opens up into a neat roll at the top of the opening when completely opened. The operation of the door can be automated and is a smooth and quiet design. 

Tilt garage door

The tilt garage door design is made up of one large panel that covers the entire opening of the garage. It then opens in the one piece outwards. This design can only be used in spaces where you have enough room for the door to completely open outwards without being obstructed. 

What else do I need?

Once you have chosen your garage door, we recommend pairing it with our Merlin Garage Door Opener. This opener will help to provide one of the quietest, safest and most reliable combinations. 

The Merlin garage door openers help to automate your opening and keep it safe during the opening and closing process. 

What about the colour?

We know that looks are very important, especially when choosing something that will likely be seen from the street of your home. All of our garage doors are available in a range of different colours. This means that you are able to choose a garage door that suits the look of your home. The value of your home can increase with the addition of a new garage door. It can increase the value based on the look of the property and also the functionality. 

How do I know which garage door to choose?

If you are replacing an old garage door, you may be stuck between choosing the same kind of design or going in a different direction. 

You need to think about the room you have available. Will you be able to fully open a tilt door? Do you storage across the ceiling of your garage that prevents a sectional door from opening? This can help to determine which design to go with based on the space you have available. 

From there think about how often it will be used, will it be automated and which design will suit the look of your home the best. 

If you are still unsure on which design to choose, the team at Purple Patch Doors are more than happy to chat with you and help you to make the decision. 

Your garage door is more than just a way to close off your garage. It is a part of your home; the look and feel of it. Take your time with choosing which door will be best for you and your needs. 

Find a look that compliments your home and may help to increase the value of it. 

For all your garage door requirements, get in contact with the team at Purple Patch Doors today. 


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